
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How to Get What You Want

Today I amd starting a six part series called "How to Get What You Want". It is never too late for a fresh start. If you are makeing a new start or thinking about making one, then maybe this course is for you.
The next module will be here next Thursday.

The course will enable you to stop drifting along in life  instead you will discover what your life is all about and how you can improve it.
You only live once so you'd better make the most of the time while you are here!
“How to get what you want” will be your very own life map of where you are now to where you want to get to.
You will soon rediscover those lost ambitions, those dreams that had fallen by the wayside.
This is the time to start a fresh. So start right now!

Here is part one:

How To Get What You Want

Welcome to ”How To Get What You Want”!

Over the next 6 modules we are going to uncover what it is that you truly want from life and how you are going to get it!

Life is just too short for wishes and Should haves. Instead, what we are going to do is to design the life that YOU want and actually go out there and grab it!

In today's session we are going to look at what success actually means to you and then we will discuss what the purpose of your life is.

This is a really cool session and sets the foundation on what your life is based on.

So, grab a coffee, get a pen and get ready for this weeks session.

Part 1: Discover what your life is really about
What is success?

Everyone in life wants to be a success. Success, no matter what it may mean to you or anyone usually results in more happiness, more fulfillment, rewards, money and the like.

There is no one definition of success. It means different things to different people. One persons definition may be totally different to anothers.

Your definition of what success actually is can change as well.

One thing that is common amongst everyone is that everyone wants to be a success and nothing in life is better than success!

Just take time out and think what success actually means to you.

Write your definition of what success is in the space below or on a piece of paper.

Do not carry on reading this until you have done so.

If you havent filled in the above space do it now! Dont cheat yourself!

Sometimes you really need to have a good think about what is important to you when you define what success means.

Sometimes you really need to have a good think about what is important to you when you define what success means.

Take the following two examples:

Bill is a 30 year old married man who works in a shop.

Every night he returns home from work at 5.15pm and is greeted by his loving wife at the door who gives him a kiss and a hug.

He plays games with his children and always tucks them in at bedtime and reads them a story.

They have a family vacation each year and are comfortable even though they sometimes go without to please the kids.

The family spends a lot of time together.

Jane is 28 years old and is single.

She works in the City and will be lucky to reach her apartment before 7.00pm of a night.

She rarely socializes due to her hectic workload and due to the fact that she is always too tired to go out.

She lives in an affluent area in the city and drives a sports car. She could afford to go anywhere in the world on vacation but never does so incase she misses out on something happening at work.

Jane has few friends and sometimes is lonely The money makes up for it though she states.

The question now is, in your opinion:

Which one of the above is the most successful to you?

When I was in my teens I would have said Jane without doubt.

She has got plenty of money, shes got a great car and a great job.

Nowadays, I would probably say Bill as he seems the most happiest, content with life and is fulfilled.

Once again it will depend on your definition, and your definition of success will have been formed by a number of factors.

Your definition of success will have been formed by a number of factors.

Your definition of success is formed by:

Your upbringing
Your beliefs
Your attitude
Your peers
Every experience that you have in life
All of the above will contribute as to what success means to you.

There is a myth that states that people are born winners or born losers.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

There are techniques, methods and ways of behaving that will enable and help you to succeed.

You owe it to yourself to get the most out of your life.

The worst thing that you can do is to look back in 40 or 50 years time and say I wish I had done this or I wish I had done that.

Know where you are going in life

Creating a vision and a mission of what you want out of life will provide you with some direction and momentum to move forward.

Do you feel as though you are stuck in a rut or lack some direction and purpose to your life? Are you just drifting along from one day to the next?

What is your life all about?

Do you let events happen to you rather than going out and making them happen?

When you have a compelling vision, you will feel good about yourself. You know where you are going life and have a purpose to it all.

When you feel in control of your life and events you will naturally feel more confident and motivated to achieve more.

Ask yourself the following question:
What do you really want to get out of life?

A true mission has to express your purpose for existence.

I have devised a series of questions for you to ask yourself in order for you to do some soul searching and to give yourself some insights into what you are all about and why you are here:

When you were a child, what did you want to be When you grew up?
Name three people who have had the biggest influence on your life and why?
If you could do anything for a living and get paid whatever you wanted, what would you do?
Name your top three achievements of your life so far?
What was so special about them?
When you are at your most happiest in life? what are you doing?
Name three people that you admire the most?
Why do you admire them? What characteristics and qualities do they have?
Have you ever done anything for anyone less fortunate than yourself?
If yes, what was it? If no, why not?
What are your greatest strengths?
What could you do in life to maximize your strengths?
Is there anything that you would be willing to put everything on the line for?
What would it be and why?
If you could have your time over again, what would you have done so far?
What results are you currently having in your life which you are pleased with?
What results are you currently having in your life which you are not pleased with?
If you could pass on a piece of wisdom to the whole world that you have learned in your life to date, what would it be?
What do you value the most in your life?
What would you really like to do with your life?

The whole point of getting you to think about those questions above was to really get you to think about what you want and wanted for your life.

Answer the questions yourself and write down your own mission statement below:

Writing a mission statement is not easy and it shouldnt be something that is rushed.

It shouldnt be something that is just put on a to do list to be fitted in-between dinner and bedtime either!

Instead, if possible you should try and get away from your normal environment.
Go for a walk, or take a short break  your mission in life is far too important to be skimmed over.

When people lack a mission in life, they tend to just have materialistic goals and want things.

But after people have achieved, achieved and achieved some more they say to themselves Is that all there is?

Success without fulfillment is failure!

Your mission statement is just that; it is a statement about why you are here on earth.
Another good exercise for you to complete is to write your own obituary!

This is an ideal way to get you to think about what you want to do in your life time.

Pretend that you have just passed on; think about your achievements, your lifes work and what you have done for others in your lifetime.

What will you be remembered for when you pass on?

Write your own obituary of what your life was about and what difference it made.

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