Why is it important to decide to be happy
Why it is this important? Why are there so many articles, books, CD’s and essays out there on happiness?
I think it is because we aren't really letting ourselves be happy, truly happy. We are so focused on what has to get done, and then we don't do it, or we wait until the last minute. It's easier to sit in front of the TV at night, instead of going back to school or writing that book.
This internal struggle between “reality” and our dreams causes sadness, depression, anxiety and pain. we are not acting but just fantasizing instead. Especially when we know what we are here to do. This causes more stress. Don't get caught in the “shoulds and coulds”. Just do it. As the old Nike ad said.
Deciding to be happy maybe means acting out one of your dreams. Deciding to be happy may mean turning off the news and going to bed early. Deciding to be happy may mean restoring that old car or getting rid of it.
Deciding to be happy may mean changing jobs.
We were born knowing what we need, and we let people around us know when we were hungry, cold wet, bored, lonely. As we were growing up, we had a thirst for knowledge. We Asked all kind of questions. We made up games to play, send as kids we were happy generally speaking. We seldom remember the bad stuff about being a toddler.
I think this is what it means to develop a child's mind. Not to be childish, but to re-embrace the awe and wonder. To seek out and be curious about things. Let yourself okay make believe again.
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